Hi. I'm Doruk Ayhan (pronounced /'doruk aj'han/). Thanks for checking in!
Between 2019 and 2023 I went to a top-tier institution of higher education to learn how to force electricity to do math, and now that I learned it I make it my whole personality. I quite enjoy tinkering with things with no regard for whether they're meant for tinkering and making little doodads out of code whenever I think of some annoyance that ad hoc code could solve.
Things I made (and saw fit to publish online)
- Gestalt Grimoire (yet another command-based chatbot)
- Decashine (a gloriously overengineered loot drop simulator)
- More to come obviously
Less recent:
- RNG Pls (a much simpler loot drop simulator)
- Java Composer (the ringtone maker from old Nokia phones remade as a library)
- Arpad's Pokol (an Elo rating engine that no one asked for)
Places I am
- GitHub
- LinkedIn
- I can be reached via LinkedIn and email (
[my GH username]@[Gmail]
) for work matters and Discord (username dorukayhan
) for non-work matters